
About Library

The library is the soul of the college and considered as a treasure house of knowledge and information for educational, social and cultural development of the institution. It offers the facility to the academic community and extent to which it is used by the students and the faculties. Our library was established in the year 1972. It has developed and expanded enormously in all aspects like book e- books, journals, e- journals and other learning materials for readers and staff. Library has good collection on different areas of knowledge such as Languages and Literature, Social, Sciences, Humanities, Commerce and Management, Pure and Applied Science etc. Presently, we have 37477  books and 29 periodicals.

Details of the library

  • Total area of the library: 43X98=
  • Total sitting capacity:- 125 readers.
  • Working hours:- 10.00 a.m. to 5:45  p.m.
  • Ratio of the library books to students enrolled:-1:18
  • Average numbers of books added during last five  years 2018 to 2023=535
  • Average numbers of books issued per day:- 50 (staff)
  • Average number of  books issued per day:- 170 (Student)
  • Library Software:- Soul 3.0

        Rules & Regulations

Working Hours :-Library Hours 9.00 AM To 5.30 PM
Issuing of Books9.30 AM To 5.00 PM
Lunch Timings1.00 PM To 1.30 PM
  • One Book is issued for a week a library borrow cards to each student.
  • One book at a one time is issued to each student on his I- Card for the purpose of reading only in the library.
  • Loss of I-Card/Borrower card should be reported to the librarian immediately.
  • Students can avail the facility of reference books / journals / periodicals within the library
  • premises only against I-cards.
  • Writing / scribbling or tearing of pages of library books, news papers, periodicals etc. is
  • prohibited & will be liable for strict action.
  • Students should produce their identity cards when demanded by the library staff.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in library premises.
  • Difficulties, if any, should be discussed with the librarian.
  • On the loss of library book, user shall replace the same with a brand new copy or to pay   the amount decided by library committee.
  • Students should enter their names in the entry register maintained at Reading Hall.
  • Borrower’s card & I-Card is not transferable.
  • Complete silence should be maintained. Group discussions, lectures are not allowed in library.

Library Advisory Committee A.Y.2022-23

Library Committee Members Meet Three to four times in the Academic Year. They discuss And Decided policy matters administration, modernization, purchase of books, budget of the library and discipline in the library, library works activities, library rules and regulations etc. Collage library runs by the library Advisory Committee.

  Sr.No.  Member NameDesignation
1Dr. A. A. Pandit (Principal)Chairman
2.Prof. D. B. WanekarMember
3.Prof,.Smt. Dr. R. P. PalodkarMember
4.Prof. Dr. P. V. ChavanMember
5.Shri. D. S. ManohareSecretary
6.Ku. Vikas Dnyaneshwar Lavhale  Student Representatives (B.Sc.F.Y.)

Library Collection Department wise : UG & PG 

Sr.No.SubjectTotal No. of Books (  PG  ) Total No. of Text Books  (UG)   Total No of Reference Books Total No of  Books.                   
2Hindi250452 35894291
3Marathi360 63666726
4Political Science3501358 20103718
5Economic  4501195 15033148          
15Computer Science 130205514849
18Dray Lnad  343343
 Total No of  Books.                         2897 (PG) 15327 (UG.Text)22150 (UG.Ref)37477

e- Database Available in College Library

              N-List consortia    
Sr.No  Subject   Word e –booksEbrary e-books    Total   
1English1000006829122922  229751 
2Hindi4053741  670547283 
3Marathi117681  137713146 
4Political Science4406432974  9961453978 
5Economic  10000025998    123435249433 
6History10000023997  146293270290 
7Sociology109211  132061082171613 
8Commerce178302238871308  251998 
9Mathematics27786199553394  83175 
10Chemistry216716333946020  266075 
11Zoology964225589461  106441 
12Physics181508398553561  239054 
13Botany13959283711709  152138 
14Biotechnology12565  4912611 
15Computer Science 80846360682291166743 
16Microbiology10588  777900420369 
17Dray Lanad40091  85460893101838 
18Environment science38653615583682128490 
19Drama1233985460893  74086 
20Sports34409160458685  94698 
         Total    E- Database3133210 

Library at a Glance

01Total Number of Print copies in Stack Section37744
03Text books15327
04Ref. Books22417
05Periodical Print16
06Journal Print15
08Bound Volumes570
09Theses & Dissertation-6
11New Paper10
14Marathi Vishwakosh                            16
16Oxford English Dictionary                              16
17Competitive Exams Books                           1020
18E-DatabaseInflibnet N-List, Consortia, E-ShodhSindhu, NDL, OPE Access Databases